

There are many places that you can find info regarding questions you many have regarding Medicare. Below we have links to informative sites. You can also find local resources available. You can check with your local Senior Centers. Additionally, there are groups that can help you with senior housing, home care, meal delivery, transportation, in home nurse or doctor visits and many more. I belong to a networking group that has many of these services available if you need a direction to go, or you can always check Google.


Upcoming Events 

Zoom Meetings

Need information, ask to have a zoom meeting!  You can talk to me live from the comfort of anywhere you choose to go over your Medicare needs.  So many changes for 2021.  It is a great idea to just make sure your current plan still covers all your...

UHC Live Kiosk

Join me On Tuesdays and Wednesday, October 13th thru December 2nd, at the Fred Meyer, 10201 SE 240th  St., Kent, WA 98031.  I will be there from 9 am to 5 pm to answer any Medicare questions you may have.  I will also be available to help you with your 2021 Medicare...



The Social Security Administration’s website 

The Medicare Rights Center’s blog

Medicare’s website

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services website

Medicaid’s website


What We’re Talking About

UHC Live Kiosk

Watch for new times and days where I will be during the Annual Enrollment Period. New exciting things are coming for 2022. Can't wait? Give me a call or request a Zoom meetings.

How to Choose a Prescription Drug Plan?

When considering a drug plan, it is important to make sure that all the drugs you take are covered under the plan you are considering. Each company has its own group of prescriptions they cover and have their own specific costs to each. You want to make sure you get...

Zoom Meetings

Need information, ask to have a zoom meeting!  You can talk to me live from the comfort of anywhere you choose to go over your Medicare needs.  So many changes for 2021.  It is a great idea to just make sure your current plan still covers all your current needs. There...

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